6 Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

UltimateHuman Team May 03, 2023
591 People Read
Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Table of Contents
  1. Increased Blood Flow
  2. Decreased Inflammation
  3. Weakened Infectious Bacteria
  4. Help Your Body Fight Free Radicals
  5. Stimulate the Growth of Blood Vessels
  6. Rejuvenate Cells
  7. Conclusion

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has uses in many areas of healing — including slowing infections, improving blood flow, and healing injuries.

The type of machine used to apply this treatment is often called a "chamber." It's available in some hospitals, private clinics, and it's even used at-home for rent or purchase.

In this article, we'll quickly share some potential benefits of this breakthrough therapy.

Let's find out if it could be right for you. ⬇️

Increased Blood Flow

When a person receives hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), their blood vessels can start to dilate or expand.

This could help more oxygen move through a person's system & allow for more blood flow through their body.

Ultimately, leading to a potential increase in healing and repair.

Decreased Inflammation

With a higher amount of blood flowing through a person's system, they could also see a decrease in the amount of inflammation their body has.

This is because any tissue that does not have enough oxygen is more likely to end up damaged through chronic inflammation, over time.

Weakened Infectious Bacteria

In an oxygen-rich environment, some forms of bacteria have a much harder time surviving. Extreme levels of oxygen are toxic to these microorganisms.

So, HBOT could help treat some bacterial infections when it delivers this extra supply of O2.

This is especially useful if the bacteria is already resistant to some antibiotics because it offers an alternative option for healing.

Help Your Body Fight Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that may damage your cells and contribute to premature aging.

With a build-up of these, you could be more susceptible to certain diseases.

Again, HBOT can help you increase the amount of oxygen in your body, which could help you fight against these molecules.

Stimulate the Growth of Blood Vessels

HBOT could trigger angiogenesis, which is the growth of new blood vessels.

Increased blood flow to many areas of the skin can help improve healing.

This is especially true in cases where the damage is caused by stunted blood flow, such as in some forms of tissue damage.

Rejuvenate Cells

According to Dr. Eric Berg, you could use this treatment to stimulate stem cells by up to 800%. These types of cells could play a big part in bodily regeneration.

Also, from an beauty perspective, it could help the body to fight physical signs of aging:

Visible signs of stress, like wrinkles, or puffy inflammation around the eyes could be alleviated with an increased supply of oxygen.


Now, you should have good idea about a few basic benefits someone could receive by stepping into a hyperbaric chamber.

It may look like something out of a sci-fi movie, but these chambers are already here...

And from what the research seems to suggest, they're here to stay.


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Table of Contents
  1. Increased Blood Flow
  2. Decreased Inflammation
  3. Weakened Infectious Bacteria
  4. Help Your Body Fight Free Radicals
  5. Stimulate the Growth of Blood Vessels
  6. Rejuvenate Cells
  7. Conclusion