My Honest MUD\WTR Review: Ultimate Guide to the Coffee Alternative

UltimateHuman Team May 11, 2022
51 People Read


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Hi - Michael with here... and I want to know...

Is caffeine finally taking its toll on you?

I don't know about you... but I've always had a complicated relationship with traditional bean coffee...

Maybe you're a slave to the coffee machine... get the jitters when you don't have your normal 1-7 daily cups of joe... have a caffeine "crash"in the middle of the day... or you get headaches and fatigue when you try to take a break from the stuff...

And maybe you've seen the ads for the weirdly named MUD\WTR...

This mystical mushroom beverage promises to be the healthier "coffee killer" ...but you're not sure about it...

Is it legit? How does it taste? Should you try it? Keep scrolling to find out more...

What You'll Discover Below

1. Why drinking coffee could be a problem

2. What is MUD\WTR?

3. Ingredients in MUD\WTR and potential health benefits

4. How does MUD\WTR taste?

5. Conclusion

1. Why drinking coffee could be a problem

Coffee is EVERYWHERE...

According to EatThis,NotThat!... coffee is Americans' drug of choice... and comes in as the #3 most popular drink in the USA... behind only soft drinks and bottled water...

And yet... people are waking up to the potential downsides of the "hot bean water" more and more...

Although some research has shown that coffee may protect against things like Parkinson's disease, Type 2 diabetes, Liver disease, heart problems, and stroke...

There's also rumors that the coffee industry has financially influenced certain ''studies'' on a level similar to Big Tobacco in the 1950s and 1960s... when they campaigned to win the favor of medical doctors and researchers...

There's also a lot of new information coming out about the bad health effects of coffee -- a lot of which is associated with the big amount of caffeine in each cup...

Here's a few:

  • Increased anxiety

  • Sleep problems... like insomnia and lack of REM sleep

  • Digestive issues

  • Increased cortisol levels... adding to stress and fatigue

  • Increased dopamine levels... giving the body the illusion of increased productivity

  • Raised blood pressure

  • Panic attacks

  • Withdrawal symptoms like headaches

  • And more...

All of these factors could put the body in an indefinite state of ''flight or flight'' survival mode... making it harder to properly think and function...

How to quit coffee

But quitting the stuff cold turkey is NOT easy...

That's why, as author of Atomic Habits, James Clear says, "You don't STOP a habit... you REPLACE it..."

2. What is MUD\WTR?

MUD\WTR is an eCommerce health company based in California that has grown at lightning speed since it started in 2018.

They sell a coffee alternative that comes in powdered form, which appeals to a new generation of health-minded "morning ritual" addicts.

Its big "claim to fame" is that it has just 1/7 the amount of caffeine as normal coffee...

And it's chock full of healthy ingredients like medicinal mushrooms, plant based nutrients, and minerals -- all of which are organic, kosher, non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan...

3. Ingredients in MUD\WTR and potential health benefits

Here's all the ingredients inside of MUD\WTR...

MUD\WTR Ingredients

Masala Chai

Masala Chai is a blend of black tea, herbs, and spices that was traditionally consumed in India.

With just a touch of caffeine, chai gives a steady "kick" to your day -- without the crash.

The black tea in chai also has the amino acid L-theanine, which is linked to improved focus. Black tea could also help lower blood sugar.

Chai tea is sometimes served with added sugar or dairy... but these are left OUT of the MUD\WTR recipe.


Chocolate's bitter half...

When you take away the sugar, milks, or other additives from chocolate... you're left with the naturally-occurring cacao.

If you've ever heard that small amounts of dark chocolate added to your diet is a good thing... then you've been listening to someone who understands the healthy upsides of cacao.

Found mostly in the Amazon and Africa (and sourced by MUD\WTR in Peru)... raw cacao is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

And it could help with -- among other things -- reducing stress, cognitive function, and digestive health.

Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane is a mushroom that was traditionally used in China as a medicine. It's also native to Europe and North America.

As with all fungi on this list... Lion's Mane could still use more research on its potential health benefits (both short-term and long-term)...

But it's promising in the areas of cancer, heart health, mood disorders, and digestive health.

It's also most notably being studied to help with brain function and cognitive health, with a chance to protect against Alzheimer's Disease and strokes.


Chaga is a mushroom that grows on tree trunks, and it's often used in tea.

According to Dr.Axe, Chaga also has one of the highest ORAC scores of any food -- which means it's one of the best sources of antioxidants you can find.

It might help stimulate the immune system... and lower both cholesterol and blood pressure levels.


Reishi is a medicinal fungus found throughout parts of Asia.

It's known for its use in helping the body fight diseases (like cancer), relieve the effects of stress, boost immunity, and improve liver health.

It's also known for the promotion of heart health and hormone balance.

There are more and more studies being done on this mushroom as curiosity around its potential health benefits continues to grow.


Cordyceps is a type of fungus that -- believe it or not -- grows on caterpillars in the wild. But if that freaks you out a little, don't worry - when it comes to most cordyceps supplements these days, they're made in a lab.

Like the other mushrooms, the potential health benefits of cordyceps are wide ranging...

They may improve immunity, help with Type 2 Diabetes, and fight cancer cells...

And they're also used to boost athletic performance, sexual health, and anti-aging processes.


You could fill a library with all the health info about turmeric on the internet...

It comes from the root of a flowering plant in the same family as ginger...

And it could help decrease inflammation, lower cholesterol, fight fever, and relieve depression.


Most Americans are first introduced to the healthy spice as a part of the indulgent cinnamon roll breakfast...

But cinnamon on its own could help reduce blood pressure and promote brain health.

Side note -- It's a good thing that MUD\WTR smells so good... because surprising research shows that simply smelling cinnamon can improve both attention and memory.

Sea Salt

Choosing naturally occurring sea salt instead of your average table salt has some surprising benefits...

This great article by Dr. Axe... reveals that sea salt -- which has lots of trace minerals and electrolytes -- could help with digestion, nutrient absorption, hydration, and overall health...

...That is... when consumed in moderation.

4. How does MUD\WTR taste?

Okay... I'm not going to sugarcoat this... literally or metaphorically...

It doesn't taste AMAZING...

But if we're being honest here... most of us probably didn't like the bitterness of straight black coffee when we first tried it...

30 serving :rise

The company does offer a plant-based creamer and natural coconut palm sugar to "take the edge off" ...and plenty of your standard sugars and creams mix well with it, too...

It's also important to mix it well. If you get the MUD\WTR starter kit... they will send you a device to easily mix the power and the water.

This is highly recommended, because mixing with a spoon could run the risk of drinking "clumps" of the stuff... and leaving a good amount of the nutrients at the bottom of the cup.

I don't mind the taste, and I look forward to drinking it in the morning.

So, if you're like me, it helps to know that you're drinking something healthy when you're first getting used to it.

5. Conclusion (How to get started)

So, I'd say MUD\WTR is pretty dang good.

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

When it comes to replacing (or simply reducing) a coffee habit... it's a great alternative...

And I wouldn't be surprised if we see a growing trend of more companies like MUD\WTR offer newer, healthier options that are still similar to existing foods and drinks people already consume...

So, to get started with MUD\WTR... or to see their latest product releases... simply click here now. (Shipping is FREE)

Morning ritual starter kit
